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You belong here …

Black Women and Women of Color BELONG in the Fitness Industry.

Built on body positivity, Fit and Female Fitness Programs is a transforming women’s fitness platform that invites Black women and Women of Color to become more active so they can get in the best shape of their lives. Now, can you envision yourself at the end of your workout program, feeling stronger, more motivated and happier than ever? That said, anyone can give you a workout, but Coach Tiff delivers a powerful and unmatched energy and motivation, especially when it comes to training women. So, if you’re tired of putting off your fitness program, starting over, and dealing with the lack of accountability- you’re ready to make this the last stop to reaching your goals.

You found me. Now let’s put in the work.

Believe the HYPE

Client Transformation - Erica

Client Transformation - Pooja

Client Transformation - Yasmine